what is a 5g base station?

what is a 5g base station? what is the difference between 4g base stations?
the 4g network is already destined to end, and the 5g era is about to land. in recent years, the continuous development and renewal of the times, the internet and the internet of things era have brought great impact on network communication. 4g networks can not meet the needs of people for network communication. if 5g wants to cover all aspects of the people, it is inevitable that the base station will be built. what is a 5g base station? what is the difference between 4g base stations?
5g base station is a more interesting concept. simply put, 5g base station is 5g radio access network. base station from 2g to 3g and 4g has been continuously evolving. as early as 2g era, base station is called bts (baseband transceiver). system). the base station includes a baseband unit, a radio frequency unit, and an antenna system. in the 2g era, the baseband unit and the radio unit are in the same cabinet.
the rf unit from the base station has a long feeder connected to the antenna on the tower. by the time of the 3g era, the baseband unit and the rf unit began to separate, and the baseband=bbu+rru+ antenna system was started. in the early days, the rru was also hung on the wall of the equipment room. it was connected to the port of the antenna on the tower through a long feeder. later, in order to save space in the equipment room, the rru started to go up the tower, and there was a rru remote base station. this rru is called d-ran (distributed radio access network).
in the 4g era, some bbus are deployed in a centralized location, and the rbu is connected to the bbu and the rru. the centralized deployment of the bbu is called a bbu pool. it is the concept of the earliest c-ran (centralized radio access network). this has the advantage of saving a lot of room space and saving power. it is not the equipment but the equipment room that knows the most power consumption in the equipment room. air conditioning in the room.
the difference between the 5g base station and the 4g baseband is different. the first difference of the 5g baseband is the appearance of a device called aau. this device is actually not very complicated to say, it is equal to the rru+ antenna, and a 5g. the base station is the deployment of bbu+aau.
in fact, this cu is to take out some non-real-time functions in the bbu, this part can be deployed centrally, and du is the real-time function of some bbus, so it is placed close to the remote aau or the part of the antenna, the future during the development of 5g networking, it may be that c-ran/d-ran/cu cloudization is deployed in multiple ways, which is still relatively complicated.
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