The self-defense weapon you neglected - how to defend yourself with a RenhotecIC tactical flashlight?


When you pass by a place with few people and dim lights in the middle of the night, such as a parking lot, such as a dark narrow street, such as a dark and lonely park. Do you feel in your heart that someone around you is watching you? Once there is this awareness, fear will follow. When the surrounding leaves are rustling, when there are moving shadows on the ground, at this time, people's psychological barrier will not be thicker than a piece of paper. Even a cat picking up litter can be scary.


There are actually many types of self-defense weapons.

Knives, tactical pens, baseball bats, pepper spray, and more.

But by comparison, the tactical self-defense flashlight is probably one of the best defensive tools.

Mainly because it has more uses than a tactical flashlight.

The functions of the tactical flashlight are as follows:



*Strike tool

*Signal device



One of the benefits of using a self-defense flashlight is that it allows us to be more aware of our surroundings when lighting is needed. If you're in a survival situation, a tactical flashlight can also improve your chances of survival.



Lumens are an important feature of a flashlight.

In dark situations, a good tactical flashlight can temporarily blind an attacker. It has been scientifically proven that when strong light such as flashlight hits the retina of the eye, rhodopsin is often slow to respond to this stimulus, and it takes about 10 to 30 seconds to restore normal vision, depending on the intensity of the light and the surrounding environment. level of darkness. Flashes of light can interfere with this process, resulting in impaired vision. The sequelae of rhodopsin saturation are also known as "night blindness". So, with a self-defense flashlight, you can also use this to your advantage in times of danger. Many tactical flashlights have very high lumens and emit very strong, very bright light. This also greatly increases its ability to deal with attackers, and can be applied to various emergency situations. Bright lights are not only useful against attackers, they can also be useful when you are trapped, like calling for help. For example, when you are trapped in a certain place, you can use the lights to signal if there are people around.


Strike tool:


In addition to temporarily blinding an attacker, the tactical flashlight can also be used as a striking tool. For example, there are serrated designs on tactical flashlights, which can cause obvious wounds if used to strike an attacker's soft tissue. It is very effective if it is used to strike an attacker on the forehead, as the blood from the forehead drips onto the eyes and damages the attacker's vision.


Signal device:


Another benefit of self-defense tactical lights is that they can be used to signal help. It is a physical fact that light travels faster and longer than sound. Therefore, when you encounter a problem, you can use it to express help. With all the uses, benefits and features above, a tactical flashlight can save you money in many situations. In many cases, a flashlight can go through security, and it's lighter and easier to carry, plus it's more versatile. Even if you don't need to defend yourself, you can also use it for lighting.